Wondering What is going on in the school?! Check out our Weekly Announcement Document!
2025/2026 NEW REGISTRATIONS: Milton District High School will be welcoming new registrations for
2025-26 starting February 24th.
Did you know it's illegal to vape or smoke anywhere on school property, inside the school or outside within 20m of school property, 24 hours a day, 36 days a year?
The law applies to everyone on school property, students, staff and visitors. It also means it is illegal to vape or smoke on school athletic fields during after hour activities or vape or smoke in school washrooms. There is a fine of $305 for vaping or smoking on school property.
But why do youth vape at school? Vapes contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug. Nicotine addiction is extremely powerful, develops quickly and youth may not realize they are addicted. Once addicted, they need nicotine regularly or they will experience withdrawal, making it hard to get through the school day. Some youth will vape on school property, like in the washrooms, for relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
Help them take back control - there are supports to help youth quit!
Talk to your child about vaping, they listen more than you think! Learn more at NotAnExperiment.ca/parents
Grade 8 Open House 2024/2025

Halton Food for Thought (HFFT) is dedicated to feeding the success of our students, one healthy, happy student tummy at a time.
In partnership with the school boards and our community, HFFT is the sole provider of Student Nutrition Programs in schools across Halton Region.
Student Nutrition Programs include nutritious meals and snacks and are available before or during school hours at no cost. These programs are a safe and reliable source of healthy food and are open to all students in a school’s community from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12. Halton Food for Thought believes that through the provision of healthy food, every student has the best chance at success.
We want all children to reach their full potential and lead healthy, active lives.
To help support student success, please consider volunteering with, or donating to Halton Food for Thought.
To learn more about HFFT Student Nutrition Programs, visit their website.
Together we #FuelOurFuture!
The 2024-2025 student transportation schedules for eligible students and approved courtesy seat riders are now available through our online Parent Portal. Sign in here: https://haltonbus.ca/sign-in/
We encourage you to review your child's busing information as soon as you can. If you have any questions regarding your child’s bus schedule, please email us at transportation@haltonbus.ca. Please be advised that response times will increase as we approach the first day of school.
Note: If your child is a JK/SK student or new to Ontario and does not have an OEN (Ontario Education Number), you will not be able to add your child to a parent portal account until one is assigned. You will receive a phone call by the end of August to provide you with your child(ren)’s transportation schedule.
Helpful information regarding transportation procedures and processes can be found on our website www.haltonbus.ca.