Fifth & Fifteenth Week Reports

Students in the Halton District School Board, enrolled at the secondary level, receive reports periodically throughout the semester so that students and parents may see progress to date.  Students receive a Fifth Week report, and may potentially receive a Fifteenth Week report before a final report card is issued at the completion of each semester.

FAQs about Fifth Week Reports

Q:        What are Fifth Week Progress Reports?

A:         Fifth Week Progress Reports reflect an early assessment of progress for the first five weeks of the semester with an emphasis on work completion.

Q:        Who receives a Fifth Week Report?

A:        All grade 9 students will receive a Fifth Week Report from their teachers and any student who is experiencing difficulty in a  course (i.e. students whose mark, in the teacher's professional judgement is below 60%).  Parents or guardians of students who receive a fifth week report because their student is experiencing difficulty will receive an email notification from their teacher.

Q:        Do all Fifth Week Progress Reports look the same?

A:        It is a Markbook print out from each course that includes assessments to date and may also include an anecdotal comment.  The number of assessments or tasks will vary by course.

Q:        Why is there no mark for the course on the printout?

A:         It is too early in the semester to provide an overall mark.  However, we recognize that it is important to provide timely  communication of every student's progress.

Q:        What can I do to ensure that my teen stays on track for success?

A:        Review the report for any missing work that can be submitted.  Encourage your child to seek free help during lunch or at clinic times.  Ensure your student is in communication with their teachers and has lined up extra help if necessary.  Stay connected with teacher or google classroom sites for resources, due dates, and upcoming tasks. The course teacher can provide additional clarification by email, phone or at Interview Night.

FAQs about Fifteenth Week Reports

Q:        Who receives a 15th Week Report?

A:        All students who are deemed at risk of not successfully completing the course.

Q:        What constitutes "at risk of not successfully completing the course"?

A:        An overall course grade of less than 60% as of the 15th week of a semester.

Q:        I received a 15th Week Report, but my son or daughter's mark is above 60%.  Why?

A:        Fifteenth week reports can also be distributed at the discretion of the subject teacher.

Q:        What can I do to help my teen be successful in their courses?

A:        Review the report for any missing work that can be submitted.  Also, encourage your teen to attend clinics for extra help or speak to the teacher directly.

Q:        I received NO 15th Week Reports from my teen's teachers.  Everything is great, right?

A:        The 15th Week report is a snapshot as of a particular date in the semester.  It is important for students to remain focussed on their schoolwork, especially as we enter the Final 30% tasks (performance tasks & exams).  Mark reports for students can be requested at any time by emailing the subject teachers directly.

Q:        What is the final 30?

A:         The Final 30% of each course consists of a final performance task and/or exam during the last four weeks of a semester.  Please refrain from booking family vacations during this time as we need your teenager present and prepared for success!  Students completed a Google Doc at midterm which specifies the dates for performance tasks and exams to be posted on your fridge at home.  Lost it?  A copy is posted under Students on our website for students to re-print and re-do if necessary!

Parents may access Attendance and Punctuality information from the attendance portal located on the Board's website ( or click here: